Thursday, June 02, 2005

Brownbagging It

Do you struggle, as I have, to make/bring your own lunch to work? Spending too much money at the deli? I have found a magic solution!!! :)

Make your lunch as soon as you get home from work. Let it be the first thing you do. I've found it to be much easier. I'm usually not hurting for the time to do this. I started doing it this week, and it was great. We'll see if I can keep it up, or if I'm just "in the zone" right now.

I think this is an especially good idea for those of you who need to pack lunches for the kids for school. Or better yet, have them do it first thing when they get home in the afternoon.

This works for making dinner, too... If you can, fix tomorrow's dinner as soon as you finish eating tonight's dinner. Saves a lot of time thinking, "hmmm.... I don't really feel like anything." You eat better, too, because you become more intentional about throwing in vegetables and other healthy bits.


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